Elk Antler for Dogs: Best Chew Toy

Bully Stick
4 min readAug 4, 2021


Considering buying toys for your dog before it destroys everything you own? It can be really difficult to select what exactly to buy that would last long and most importantly, your dog will love. There are a myriad of options from plush and rubber toys to chew bones, sticks and elk antlers for dogs. But what makes the elk antlers for dogs the best, let’s have a look at those points.

Why not other Toys

Before addressing why elk antlers for dogs are the best toy option, we should know why other toys are not one of the best.

Plush Toys

No matter how cute they seem and how aesthetically creative they make your dog house look, there is one thing that you need to realize, and that is, plush toys aren’t really what your dog needs.

The soft toys are not a favorable choice for dogs as they need something hard to chew and soft toys being soft and filled with poly-fill can be dangerous for the dog.

Rubber Squeaky Toys

rubber squeaky toys

Rubber squeaky toys, again one of the most bought ranges of dog toys, are not suitable for dogs as the plastic smell and the chemicals can pose health risks.

Moreover, the squeaker inside the toy can come out after a number of chews and can pose choking hazards for the dog.

Dog Chews

Why not any other chew, why elk antlers can be a question. The simple reason for that is its size. Dog chews are relatively smaller in size and softer than elk antlers. That means their average life is way less than elk antlers. They can be consumed within a day and the soft structure would not really help the dog to ease out the feeling of irritation.

Elk Antlers for Dogs

Elk antlers are the best option because of a number of reasons.

Elk Antlers for Dogs


Elk antlers are huge in size and thus can last longer. Also, they usually come divided or broken into parts thus it is easy for the dog parent to store the other part for later use.


The elk antlers are made of a pretty hard substance and thus can last longer than other chew toys. The size also contributes to its duration and thus there are two factors increasing its time span, making it worth every penny invested.

Dental hygiene

The hard substance or the enamel used to make the elk antlers ensures dental hygiene of the dog as the enamel can scrape away the plaque buildup. This is an extremely beneficial point of elk antlers that no other chew toy can promise.

Safe for chewing

Given the size, elk antlers are safe for the dogs as the dog cannot choke on it. However, it is still recommended to supervise while your dog is chewing no matter what toy it is. Elk antlers are just a safer option than other chew toys that a dog can choke on.

Perfect for your Dog

The elk antlers are hard, long lasting chew and on the same hand have enough to give to the dog. This allows the dog to work on them. It won’t hurt the dog physically and at the same time won’t get consumed immediately.

Pro tip: If your dog isn’t chewing on the elk antler, you can simply rub a sandpaper and it will work amazingly.

While buying toys, especially chew toys for your dog, consider more than just the soft toy that a dog can chew or bite easily. A chew toy, if bought appropriately, can serve more purposes than you can imagine and your dog and you will be grateful for them.



Bully Stick

BullyStick.com offers all-natural chew sticks and bones for dogs in a variety of different sizes and lengths